Camdram supports an API so that other websites and applications can access our data. This allows societies to see the history of their shows, venues to get cast and crew lists, and so on. This article, which is a work in progress, aims to document what’s available to applications.

In short, Camdram offers machine-accessible endpoints, in JSON, XML and iCal format. Your application requests an API key and can then access these pages. Some are available without an API key, but this is only for testing purposes and manual viewing.

Historically Camdram’s API has been undocumented, but this site aims to make the API documented and well-defined. It is currently a work in progress, but if you spot any issues or find a page unclear you are welcome to file a bug against the camdram/ repository and we will try to improve it.

Additionally, we have a mailing list which we strongly advise all consumers of our API subscribe to. Currently this requires a Raven account in order to access the Mailman interface, however please contact us if you do not have this and wish to subscribed manually by a member of the Camdram team.


Other information

Sample code

Available client libraries

You can access the Camdram API directly, but the following library is available:

If you write a library yourself and would like it to appear here, let us know!